Is It Time to Get An Anti-Aging Facial?



With special ingredients which are targeted to perfect more “mature” skin, an anti-aging facial is ideal for those in their thirties and up. Skin starts to age and it becomes thinner and dryer, losing collagen. Our faces are more exposed to the elements of day to day life and lines and creases start appearing due to the slowdown of healthy, young cells traveling to the top layer of our skin. An anti-aging facial can rejuvenate and speed of up those healthy, young cells to give a skin a youthful appearance.

Anti-aging facials may include a chemical peel, collagen masks, and other antioxidant filled serums like vitamin C or hyaluronic acid all which exfoliate and nourish the skin to stimulate clear, hydrated skin. The basic steps of an anti-aging facial are follows:

Cleansing: Any anti-aging facial begins with a cotton pad or sponge cleansing with a product for mature skin.

Skin Analysis: The aesthetician will thoroughly examine your skin with a magnifying lamp that can reveal several skin conditions such as: dry skin, broken capillaries, age spots, fine lines, and wrinkles.

Exfoliation: There are two way toexfoliate, mechanically or chemically. Mechanical exfoliation contains gritty textures and usually includes a steam vapour directed at the face. A chemical peel can be part of a facial or a standalone treatment.

Extraction: Mature skin can sometimes get large, unsightly blackheads, extraction pulls out those blackheads or whiteheads.

Facial message: Using basic strokes to relax and stimulate your skin and facial muscles.

Facial Mask: Again, targeted for mature skin, the mask depends on the line of products the spa carries and what kind of facial you ask for.

Wrapping up: The facial will end with the application of toners, serums, and protective cream, as well as, advice on home skin care.

Anti-aging facials tend to be more expensive that basic facials because the ingredients and products are more expensive. The cost depends on where you get it, how long it lasts, and how expensive the product line is. The effectiveness of an anti-aging facial all depends on the skill and experience of the aesthetician, the quality of the products, and your consistency with a home care regimen. How often you need to get a facial varies from person to person, ideally a monthly facial to stimulate our skin is perfect. At least try to get a facial at least four times a year, set a reminder as the seasons change. However, be careful about over-doing it and seek advice and skill from a spa your trust. Check out some of our Spa Facial Treatments London for more information or to schedule your appointment today.