How Often Should You Get A Facial?



How often you should be rewarding yourself with facial spa treatments depends on numerous factors including: skin type, skin condition, skin care goals, budget, age, and where you live. Ideally, you should be getting a professional facial once a month. The skin is a living organ, it takes 30 days for the cells to move up from the dermis to the top where they flatten off and die. A professional facial can stimulate skin cells, keeping it more toned and youthful.

Skin type can affect how often you should get a facial. If you have oily, acne-prone skin, you should get a facial every two weeks until your skin has cleared and calmed down. The aesthetician will notice any blackheads or white heads that need to be cleared out as well. As the skin improves, the time in between facials can be stretched out longer until you have a routine where you skin stays clean and clear. For those with normal, combination, or dry skin, a once a month facial is fine. The aesthetician will notice dryness or dehydration and can suggest a series of treatments like peels, light therapy, or micro dermabrasion which will help solve these skin issues.

Other factors on when deciding how often to get a facial to consider are your skin care goals, age, budget, and where you live. Ensure that you have the best possible skin for a lifetime by finding a great aesthetician early and get on a good skin care regime and stick to it! Age wise, unless you are prone to breakouts and have oily skin, younger people can get facials less frequently than older people. Younger skin generates new cells faster and the biggest priority is to be on a good skin-care regime. With older skin, it needs to be treated more often with other special treatments such as peels, light therapy, or micro dermabrasion.

Budget is also another factor when deciding how often to get a facial. Income and budget affects how much funds are available to use on facials and skin care products. At least one facial every three month should be budgeted and invest in quality products. The environment where you live can play a big factor on how often you need to get a facial. If you live in an urban environment where there is more pollution that makes your skin dirtier, you need to be rigorous about a once a month facial schedule.

However, unless you have oily skin that needs to be cleared up or you are doing a series of treatments that requires you to come in on a consistent schedule, you can overdo it. Be careful and ensure that you keep with the one a month schedule or you can over sensitize your skin and damage it