Monthly Archives: December 2015

Neck pain: three-times-a-week massage is the answer

According to the US National Institute of Health Statistics, as much as 15% of the US population is troubled by neck pain – that’s approximately 53 million people. And unsurprisingly, given those huge numbers, there are likely many different causesfor   Continue Reading →

Try Myofascial Release Therapy To Ease Back Pain

Try Myofascial Release Therapy To Ease Back Pain

Are you suffering from lower back pain? If so, you’re not alone. It’s a common complaint in many people. Scientifically referred to as chronic myofascial pain, some of its causes tend to be fairly easy to diagnose. For instance, trauma (a   Continue Reading →

How to Identify Trigger Points in Your Muscles and Treat Them

The Pain – The ‘Trigger’ In the Muscle A small contraction knot in a muscle, a trigger point (or TP) tends to feel like a pea buried in the muscle. It usually causes a steady, dull and aching, often deep   Continue Reading →